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Not a gameplay issue but some of your test goes outside the text bubble/section idk if it's suppose to


Thanks for reporting the bug! We'll fix it in the next update.


Excuse me, do you have Chinese?

No, at this time there are no translations, only English.




The girls have moans?

Not yet.. We did some testing around with sounds but they are not implemented yet



It's a pity that there is no Chinese.


Mfw no Femboys


Fucked femboys their just pussies who wants to be a dick


Well, you forgot to make a development log for new version release, if i dont check the version on download i dont know that the game already updated new version


Thank you, we have created a new devlog along with the update devlog.


You might wanna check Raine's Hint and MC's Hint to progress the story it doesn't show at all 

Yeah we have a Little Bug we fixed it already and it will be pushed out tuesday! You‘re Not missing out if the Last quest for raine is the black market one! (This one Starts at ember)

Why is there no downloads for itch app? "This title is hosted on a incompatible third-party website"


Seems to be a problem with the itch app, I could download it 2 days ago through itch just fine - Every version is hosted on Itch itself + 2 mirrors for mac and pc version


It's now working again, don't really understand why tho...


Thanks it worked

Have a suggestion.

Would it be possible to add a "Back" button like in other sand box/VN games? I sometimes have the problem that I accidentally skip several lines of the conversation and with the "Back" button I could go back and read what I missed.

Oh yeah we just realized the button is missing, will be back in the next patch! (Android / Mobile has a "small" menu that is activated that should not be)
Apologies for the inconvenience


Nice and thx for your efforts


Will there be impreg?


it's not planned


I loved the game. Very fun, very beautiful. Great sex scenes.

I found a bug. If you fight the demon alone, and win, when receiving the reward there is no option of "none" for companions. Then the game crashes

And I would like to know if the scene where Succubus Diamond asks "Have you given each of the girls a try already?" I cannot select "Yes".

And I couldn't find the "footjob" and "Milf" scenes


The "Fight the demon" quest was already fix-patched 2 or 3 days ago, we. So if you download it there's some small fixes. (We'll bring an updated version very soon for some bugs that older PCs have with some animations)

The Diamond Scene isn't unlocked yet since the other succubi are missing some more scenes, we'll probably throw a hint there that it's in development - you're right.

Footjob isn't in the game yet, not crossed of in our fetish list.

Milf is currently Thalia, Diamond probably also as soon as she gets her scene


Sorry but the writing and pacing are a bit "too much too soon" 

(1 edit)

will be stretched in the future. As soon as we reach the part in the game  where scene should be unlocked story wise they'll be locked from the beginning until you reach the point.


this game a sand box or a vn

We got "lots" of free play so it's not really a linear story you just click. you can move on and go to where you want to


how do u level up?


That's coming in the next patch! You'll be able to train your stats to a certain point to get stronger - level up will be done driven by story (as well as getting new skills)

Show post...



not yet.. we're looking at translations after we added all the features we want to have

Show post...

Vale gracias 


can you check the box that allowes us to download it with the PC app?

(3 edits)

It's working for me. I just installed it via the itch app so I'm not sure what the problem is. It has 3 downloads for itch itself should work with no problem


Not sure why it was gone earlier, but I could do it now too.

launching also works without problem for me


No!!!! Where is my leveling up mechanics  :(((


Unfortunately, we had too many other things to do in this patch, but we're working on making the level-up mechanic as good as possible. It'll be in the next patch.

Can/will there be futa?

It's not planned


Hays idk anymore why I'm dissapointedi cause most Isekai hentai game I played the first time mc got power he's personality has to be carefree or don't care if he shared he's from another world I mean wtf hays not all people has same pace when being summon or reincarnate tbh urs is summon not reincarnate cause reincarnate means being born in another world with CHILD'S BODY with/without memory idk can't be the mc be cool or deep thinker from the start and dominate woman by just being a mastermind a manipulated or something!?

Sorry I just can't take it there so many game I played cause of hero or mc foolishness he's partner got raped by another man or died hays SORRY FR! I just can't stand the sight some one owning my woman!! If they do that's I always go crazy my mind is always angry even if it's a game is she mine and sometried to put another man or betray me it's either I delete the game or I get angry

Sorry I'm just full anger rn I hate how reality is displayed in the game when I'm basically running away from reality, people are foolish, ignorant, greedy always act without thinking about the consequences and I hate it! I hate that they always fall cause of kindness sometimesn i wonder if kindness is foolishness well tbh kindness is a weapon to commit evil thing if you act kind u can most of the time avoid suspiciousness about you by acting foolish or u can take advantage of other person by making their guard down using kindness hays

Bastat puta ka  walang kuwentang mc always an idiot!! Baka!!


Hmm, the girls actually they fall to mc real fast, i think the next time you should slow down the progress and make more event between the girl and mc before they go to make love, but well i cant hope too much in story of the adult game :v but in other hand you have made very good art, mechanics so i dont complain about the story much, it just my think for story

In future versions, we'll focus on stretching the relationship progress with the girls to create more engaging and gradual development. Our initial goal was to provide early players with some content, but we are committed to enhancing the storyline moving forward. Our focus for now was to bring more mechanics and systems into the game.


oh that why i feel the relation between mc and girl rush soo fast


I agree with this. I think it needs to take a little longer for things to happen. Granted, the game is intended to be an adult game, but the initial relationship is well developed. But when a "blowjob" appears right away I thought it would be something forced, I even hesitated to click.

And yes, I totally understand that it is a version that will still be improved. Just leaving my opinion.


Yeah we'll lock stuff as soon as we get there in "story" mode.. So you won't be able to ask her for a blowjob / sex before we get to a point in the main quest where that makes sense. For now we give those scenes to everyone anytime. (just locked behind some affection grinding)


Hmm does the skill we choose when reincarnated will change how the story drive or it just work like a passive skill to make the specific mechanics working more powerful, like mind reading help you can easily get closer to the girls, other npc, more easy to making relationship, more rewards in the quest, reading enemy movement or next move they will use,... The fate manipulating it actually when you really want to compare to other skills, it soo fucking powerful, but maybe in the game it will nerf for more balance, when it work in battle i think it will work like you can reduce the hit chance of enemy increase your doge chance, increase hit chance, critical chance ( easy to hit the weakness of enemy ), when it work in event i feel it will increase chance to have more positive random event, more better loot,... Then come to elemental fusion, the text already hint something it can do, i think it will i crease mc body to work better with elemental = increase more elemental dame, resistance, but also increase the mc physical resistance, hp, defense, and you can be a mage tank ( what is something very ridiculous strong if it work ) and maybe can absorb the elemental hit mc to make the body more strong overall and show it in the stats ( you guy can make a progress bar at every elemental the mc absorb then it will increase the stats after certain amount the elemental the mc have absorbed). This is some of my think to the skill mechanic i want to suggest. You can just ignore me if you think my idea dont fit your plan

we do have something in plan for the skills, they will be leveling up progressing the story and becoming more powerfull. For now the level one skills don't do very much just helping the MC a bit to get with girls. 

He will get a more powerful one soon tho where we will introduce some scenes with the monster girls ;)


Wait we?! I was under the impression this was made by 1 man or 1 woman team not by 2 people 


Oh wait the mc get all the skills :? And change it to be more fit with the adult content :v well wtf did i do, why can i forgot this is a adult game :/ and i take my time to write some well mechanics that will be good if it in a real rpg games -_-


Can the mc meet nomine again ??? Or just like a lot of fuck up jp novel when the mc reincarnation he lost his lover in old world and cant do fucking any things, at least in chinese novel still have lot of mc can go back to previous world to reclaim what he lost or just to meet the old world the last time then eat it and become World Eater :))


Oh wait i see her in the picture when lying in front of mc, so you already have plan to do something with her or she just go to reincarnated with mc :? Which is something very rare in both jp novel and chinese novel

Nomine will be back for sure, she is one of the main girls. There is already a plan how they will meet again! Will take some more patches tho, she will be one of the next 2-3 upcoming girls.


Fuck!!! Combat mechanic, what a fucking good detail in a fantasy story :))) i love it, i dowload it, i find many kind of fantasy story game but most of them just pure visual novel which is kinda boring with me when the story set at a fantasy world but there is no fucking combat mechanic

we actually put in quite a bit of time to make this work haha.. there's still some plans to finetune it with better animations, leveling up your stats etc. next patch will have items / inventory system


Android ? I don't see any android

Try "com.hizeinteractive.isekaifantasy-release.apk" in the download list 


Okay 👌 

We will give the .apk a better name next Patch :)


Okay is working thanks you


damn I hope we get more story soon!


stay hard bro is a nice game!


pretty good animations

(1 edit) (+1)

the girls look cute/sexy and the fetish list is quite big, i'll probably have to try this one :D

will the game stay free till the end? (with obvious perks for patreons)
i think it's important to write that in the description, i wouldn't want to play for 5 versions and then the game turns full payed lol

also, good luck with development

(3 edits)

We didn't write it in the description because it simply didn't cross our mind to make this game pay to play.. I might add a little sentence for that


Will you plan to make the characters change clothes?Like clothes according to events that happened?

(1 edit)

we are currently changing between "fight gear" (on quests, outside) and "casual clothing" (when they are at "home")

There is plans to make more clothing sets you can gift to the girls so they wear it, but that will take a bit more time to implement as it's not the priority right now

oh yeah and we have "only towel" for some scenes 

but "costumes" are planned


Aye impressive quality of characters, UI, scenes, and overall delivery of content. We need more quality lewd fantasy VNs, so thank you! Can't wait for more


The game looks stunning! Do you think you'll ever release it on mobile?

Think we could do that in the future, shouldn't be too much of a problem


Will we be able to knock up any of the girls? Or is that not planned?

Not yet planned - might be (optional) but very much later


This is worth looking forward to, thank you for your efforts, creators


Is there a fetish list anywhere?  Would like to know if certain things are/aren't included

Thanks for noticing! We've added a little list, but it's not set in stone. We might bring more content, so stay tuned for updates!


Hopefuly no NTR 


No NTR planned

Awesome, thank you, sad to see that there won't be any foot fetish content though. 


oh there will be at least footjobs and maybe some more, it's just not ticked off in the list yet since we didn't do it yet. (left side)


Ahhhh got it, I thought since it wasnt ticked it wasnt gonna be included at all. Thank you for clearing it up!

Before I start playing the game I have this question that needs to be answered 100% truthfully. Is that beast girl with the same hair and eye color as the MC his sister? They look the same. As long as I am told the truth I will still play the game regardless of the answer.


No, she is not his sister.

(1 edit)

What's the difference between the external download and the download directly from Itch?

The game was initially larger than 1 gb so we weren't able to just put them on itch (max file size)
We patched the game and made some optimizations and pushed it just below 900 MB. 

There is no difference between the downloads, they are all 0.1.1

Future versions will be bigger again, then we'll probably have to resort to external.


Itch max file size is just 1GB?! I've seen games that is actually much bigger sometimes exceeding even 8 and the biggest i've seen so far is 10GB

oh yeah you can contact them and they will either lift the limit for you or do it for you - not sure yet. We'll find out when we get over the 1GB limit again.

Probably give you more limit but at a fee

I get an error when starting up the game and i can't seem to play it, i have a renpy traceback saved both to txt and pdf but i don't know how to share it on Itchio.


Just copy-paste the traceback from the txt and post it as a comment.


Ye was thinking of that but thought it would look messy

But here it is.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/script.rpy", line 2, in script

    init python:

  File "game/script.rpy", line 28, in <module>

    devlogfile = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(gamedir, "devlog.txt"))

OSError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/private/var/folders/k2/0yhd9kfn53x9600tfw2czg000000gn/T/AppTranslocation/1C6DE363-A68A-4869-AF43-F4B7727523DA/d/'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game/script.rpy", line 2, in script

    init python:

  File "/private/var/folders/k2/0yhd9kfn53x9600tfw2czg000000gn/T/AppTranslocation/1C6DE363-A68A-4869-AF43-F4B7727523DA/d/", line 1138, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "/private/var/folders/k2/0yhd9kfn53x9600tfw2czg000000gn/T/AppTranslocation/1C6DE363-A68A-4869-AF43-F4B7727523DA/d/", line 1122, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/script.rpy", line 28, in <module>

    devlogfile = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(gamedir, "devlog.txt"))

  File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python3.9/logging/", line 1146, in __init__

  File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python3.9/logging/", line 1175, in _open

OSError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/private/var/folders/k2/0yhd9kfn53x9600tfw2czg000000gn/T/AppTranslocation/1C6DE363-A68A-4869-AF43-F4B7727523DA/d/'

macOS-14.5-arm64-arm-64bit arm64


Lewd Lore: Isekai Fantasy 0.1

Tue May 28 16:13:20 2024

Your game is in a read-only folder, copy your game to a folder with write permissions.
If you encounter further issues, feel free to join our Discord server.
We are always happy to help you there.


It was in the folder where all my games are, i moved it to a different folder and the game is working but i do get a popup every time i start up the game asking if the program can make changes. It's working and so far it's a nice game i really like the character design of Nomine 


pretty good start, good luck.


Thanks, we'll be trying to make it a good one

(1 edit) (+6)

Are there going to be many scenes like the two in the prologue where you see other couples fucking? My favorite number of sex scenes where the MC isn't involved, or where some other guy than the MC is involved, is 0.


Nope, there might be some "peeking" at girls later on but that was purely for showing off some stuff in the "tutorial" not involving the MC right at the start of the game. 


i need to add randos fuckin so ppl keep playin...

Come on dude... you can do better... just yeet that scene...

(1 edit) (+1)

That's actually fixed and skippable in v0.2 (both voyeur scenes)




Can you tell me how this game will evolve in terms of genre? Like is it going to be a Harem, non-Harem, NTR game or something like that?


I would like to know as well, it definitely seems like it will be harem, but if there's gonna be NTR, I would like to know now and not waste my time.


Yes it's definitely harem, there will be more girls to come as well. NTR is not planned.

There probably will be one or two more "beast" girls, pretty much with beast ears only and human body.

Probably will have scenes with some "Monster" like girls, we are currently developing our fighting / questing system and that would kind of fit but we will see how it plays. (Might involve people from our discord and patreon in this matter)

There is (optional) bdsm planned but not implemented yet.


So for the fime beeing this game will be pretty much harem stuff... No NTR planned. We don't know how we'll handle the demon queen much much later in the game but I'm sure we'll find a good way. There is already more girls planned that will move in with the MC and there already are 5 girls you can do stuff with.

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